Having a Baby During the Coronavirus


Having a Baby During the Coronavirus

Nov 24, 2022

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the daily lives of people all around the world. Pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive are some of the people who are most affected due to the pandemic. There is a constant worry about having a baby and giving birth during this difficult time. Staying as safe as possible is the goal as the risk can never be zero.

To safely have a baby during the pandemic, it is important to understand how to avoid infection and take necessary safety precautions. Understanding the risks and difficulties that might arise while having a baby during the coronavirus is also essential. If you are pregnant, you should follow the coronavirus safety tips for delivery to ensure that you and your baby are safe and healthy.

Do pregnant women have a higher chance of getting Covid-19?
In general, healthy women are not at a higher risk of getting Covid-19, however, if you have any other existing condition, such as diabetes, hypertension, etc., then the risk increases. Older and overweight women also have a higher chance of getting the infection.

Pregnancy affects the body in several ways and these changes can also be related to the immune system of women. If you get Covid-19, the chances of developing serious respiratory complications are high. Therefore, protecting yourself from the virus is of utmost importance.

How to protect yourself during pregnancy?
There are multiple ways in which you can protect yourself from infection during your pregnancy. This can be done while keeping in mind the health of you and your baby. Follow these guidelines to ensure that you have a safe delivery -

• You should keep seeing your gynecologist regularly and go to prescribed prenatal care visits. This will allow your doctor to ensure that you and your baby are safe and healthy.
• Ask your doctor to explain the various ways in which you can continue to remain healthy throughout your pregnancy.
• Limit any contact with people outside your immediate family. Keep the visitors to a minimum to make sure that the chance of getting the infection is as low as possible.
• Avoid going out for errands that can be done at home or can be done by someone else. If in case, you need to go out, wear a proper mask and maintain 6 feet distance from everyone at all times.
• Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after entering your house. It is advisable to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you whenever you step outside the house.
• Avoid touching your face, mouth, and nose with your hands without washing or sanitizing them.
• Contact your gynecologist in case you have any questions regarding the pregnancy or delivery process. Your doctor will guide you to take the safest route possible during your pregnancy.

Delivery guidelines during the Coronavirus
Your labor and delivery plans should be made according to the current situation of the virus in your region. You should choose a safe delivery hospital in Hyderabad to make sure that both you and your baby are healthy. Ask your healthcare provider about the best way to deliver your baby. Along with this, also discuss the best place for delivery that will limit your exposure to the virus.

In general, hospitals are the safest way to deliver a baby, even during a pandemic. Hospitals are equipped to handle any emergencies that may arise during childbirth. The hospital that you choose to give birth in will have strict protocols regarding the number of visitors allowed, the sanitization process, and the separation of infected patients from high-risk patients.

If you have Covid-19 and are getting ready to give birth, you should always follow the protocols set by the government and the hospital so that you do not infect the healthcare workers. You will get a separate ward that will be separated from other patients to ensure their safety. Wearing a mask will be mandatory for you for most of the delivery process.

Your doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers will also be wearing masks, goggles, face shields, and PPE kits to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. In such cases, only one or two visitors may be allowed in the room with you.

In most cases of delivery with Covid-19, you will be allowed to keep your baby in the room with you. However, if you are extremely sick or if the baby has a high risk of getting infections, then the doctor may recommend separate rooms for a few days.

Your healthcare provider will be able to guide you through the process of safely having a baby during the Coronavirus.
Consult city’s best gynecologists at BirthRight by Rainbow. To book an appointment, call 1800 2122.


Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology MBBS, MD

Rainbow Children’s Hospital & BirthRigh, Banjara Hills.

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