Dr. SHAIKH FARHAN A RASHID - Consultant Pediatric Intensivist and Head of the Department of Pediatric Intensive Care.

Dr. Shaikh Farhan A Rashid

Consultant Pediatric Intensivist and Head of the Department of Pediatric Intensive Care.

MD;DNB (Pediatrics);Fellowship in pediatric critical care (accredited by the IAP-ICC)

Hindi, English Banjara Hills

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Total Medical Experience:

Dr. Shaikh Farhan A Rashid is a top Pediatric Intensivist in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. He has completed his MD (Peds) in 1999 and carries an experience of over 23 years. He is an accredited Teacher and Examiner for Diplomate of National Board (DNB) in Pediatric Critical Care which is equivalent to DM (Pediatric Critical care). He is also an Accredited teacher and Examiner for Indian Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care (IFPCCM) under the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) and College of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine NABH Assessor since year 2011. Dr Farhan has had also been a Principal Assessor, NABH since 2017. He had been a Member of Technical Committee of NABH during 2014-2018). He is well recognised in the field of Pediatrics and regarded as one of the best pediatric intensivists available at Rainbow Children's Hospital in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

Areas of Expertise:

Pediatric ARDS and mechanical Ventilation. Extra Corporeal therapies in Pediatric Intensive Care (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), Cytosorb and ECMO therapy) Planning and conducting research projects in Pediatric Critical Care Quality and Patient safety in health care industry. Infection Control practices. Conducting Quality and Patient safety audits and analyzing data Helping hospitals in getting ready for NABH Accreditation Passionate about academic activities for pediatric critical care sub-specialty and Quality and patient Safety.


Gold Medalist in the final year MBBS.

Awarded “Best outgoing student of the College” in the year 1995.

Numerous publications, including original research, in the field of Pediatric Critical Care.

ORCID ID ID ORCID identifier is 0000-0001-6160-4930. To view my publications, click on https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6160-4930/print

Conducted hundreds of training workshops and CMEs in the field of Pediatric Emergencies, Pediatric critical care and Patient safety and Quality improvement projects.

Invited as faculty in Pediatric Intensive Care conferences in numerous National and International Conferences. Has been instrumental in the designing of Ambulances for long-transport for Rainbow Group. Has been instrumental in designing and development of Hospital website for Rainbow Group during year 2007 to 2014 period.

Written and directed India’s first indigenously made Training Video Module on “Basic Life Support”, “Team concept in resuscitation” and “Coping with breaking bad news”.
  1. Prediction of Endotracheal Tube Size in Pediatric Patients : Development and Validation of Machine Learning Tools
  2. Chronic Mercury Poisoning : A Cause for Reversible Cardiomyopathy
  3. Soluble Interleukin - 2 Receptor Level as a Marker of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in children with Severe Dengue
  4. High Flow Oxygen Through Nasal Canula as Alternative Continuous to Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation as Initial Respiratory Support for Children Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation as Initial Respiratory Support for Children with Hypoxic Respiratory Failure
  5. Prevention of Disinfection in Covid - 19
  6. Quality Indicators and Improvement Measures for Pediatric Intensive Care Units
  7. Upper Airway Ultrasound : A Promising tool in the Management of Pediatric Airways
  8. A Randomised Controlled Pilot trail to Investigate the Utility of Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Monitoring in Mechanically Ventilated (MV) Children in preventing Post Extubation Stridor(PES)
  9. Antimicrobial Justification form for Restricting Antibiotic Use in a Pediatric  Intensive Care Unit
  10. Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Colistin in Children
  11. Umbilical Arterial Catheter Insertion Length : In quest of a Universal Formula
  12. Rescue High Frequency Oscillation in Neonates with acute Respiratory Failure
  13. Charcoal Hemoperfusion for Phenytoin Intoxication
  14. Prolonged Neonatal Interhospital Transport on Road Relevance for Developing Countries
  15. Thiamine - Responsive Acute Pulmonary Hypertension of Early Infancy (TRAPHEI) -  A Case Series and Clinical Review
  16. Clinico - etiological Profile of Children Who had Unplanned Extubation and subsequent re - intubation in level -4 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  17. Assessment of Potential for Lung Recruitment After Bedside Peep Titration by Using Five Slice CT Chest Protocol in Pediatric ARDS
  18. Myocardial Dysfunction in Severe Falciparum Malaria

Banjara Hills

Road No. 2, Near Hotel Park Hyatt, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034


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