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Dr. Swapna Pooskuru is a top Gynecologist in Hyder Nagar, Hyderabad. She obtained her M.B.B.S from Jawaharlal Medical College, Belgaum and Rajiv University of Health Science, Bangalore. She also completed her DNB (Diplomate of the National Board) in India.
She has experience in handling emergencies like acute abdominal pain in preganany, 1st trimester bleeding, antepartum hemorrhage, severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, liaises with nursing staff, lab, other services and consultants in emergency situations.
She is specialize in High risk pregnancy, prefers Vaginal Delivery and Perineal repair,Cesarean sections, Cerclage, Laparoscopic sterilization, Salpingectomy.
She is keen in developing protocols for evidence based practice.