Myths About C-Section That You Should Stop Believing Today


Myths About C-Section That You Should Stop Believing Today

Nov 21, 2022

Pregnancy is a beautiful phenomenon and only some women get to experience the thrill of pregnancy. They say giving birth to a baby is one of the best experiences in the world. But most women are caught up between choosing the method of delivering their babies. Some believe in having a vaginal delivery while the rest want to undergo a cesarean. It is said that if a woman experiences the excruciating pain while giving birth, she’ll be able to take care of her child in a better way and more efficiently. But is this actually true?

Amidst the clash of perspectives and beliefs, experiencing a childbirth is something only women can understand. Think about it logically and rationally- do women really want to experience that pain when they know that they have an option to deal with less pain. Just because the older generation didn’t have much access to these medical advances, they might have developed fears and misconceptions regarding the cesarean method of delivery.

Although there are benefits and risks associated when it comes to vaginal delivery and a cesarean delivery, you need to understand that having a C-section does NOT impact your ability to bond with your newborn.

While you’re waiting for your baby’s arrival, you must be aware of certain myths revolving around C-section. You will definitely be shocked to see many popular urban myths being...BUSTED!

1. It is difficult to breastfeed if you have a C-section
This is an absolute lie. The method of birthing actually has no major effect on breastfeeding. Although, if you’re breastfeeding after having a cesarean, be prepared with a truckload of patience. It is true that it takes a tad bit longer to initiate breast milk compared to women who have a vaginal delivery. If you’re unable to nurse the baby in the hospital, don’t worry, the doctors will have you started once you’re set to go home with your baby.

2. If you’ve given birth through C-section, you can’t deliver vaginally ever again
One of the most common medical myths, you’ll come across today. But let us tell you that, going for a vaginal birth after having a cesarean is completely safe. It is done through a process called Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). To find out if it is safe for your body, you’ll have to undergo a test called TOLAC. Luckily, this method has high success rates and almost 60-80% women undergo vaginal delivery even if they’ve had a C-section in the past.

3. Cesarean delivery is pain-free
You might not feel much pain at the time of delivery, but what comes after that is extremely painful. You will feel the pain lingering for over at least 2 weeks after the surgery.

4. You’ll miss out on the skin-to-skin contact with your baby
The skin to skin contact between mother and baby has proved to help in stabilizing baby’s breathing and body temperature. moms-to-be should ask their doctor on skin-to-skin contact after delivery while preparing their birth plan. Some hospitals will have nurses on hand in the operating room to facilitate the process.

5. You’ll be completely unconscious throughout the procedure
It’s not that you’ll totally pass out and sleep throughout your operation. You’ll be given an epidural which will help you in pain management. A general anaesthesia will be given only in the case of an emergency situation.
Now that you know of the most common myths about Cesarean, it might help you make up your mind about the birthing method you would like to opt for delivering your baby!

Happy Delivery Mommy!


Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon MD, MRCOG (UK)

Rainbow Children’s Hospital & BirthRigh, Banjara Hills.

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