Turning the Postpartum Blues to Postpartum Pinks


Turning the Postpartum Blues to Postpartum Pinks

Feb 10, 2018

The first three months after the delivery of a baby is often considered as the ‘fourth trimester’ of pregnancy.

The first six weeks are the most tumultuous for the new parents, especially the new mother, where this intense period is a time of change at all fronts – physical, physiological, cognitive and emotional.

What is happening? Turning the Postpartum Blues to Postpartum Pinks

Postpartum blues affect about eight out of 10 new moms and about two out of eight new dads. Blues are considered normal due to the above changes and subside in about two weeks after delivery.

But, what do these blues look like?

So what can we do?

The initial few weeks are a blur as everything seems to go by super-fast. During this period the normal tendency is to give yourself a pep-talk to boost your spirits or engage in some “tough-love” pointers for yourself to say you can just power through it all. But such talk can put more pressure on you that is fair and you might make things harder for yourself to deal with.

Here are some strategies that you can adapt to make yourself feel better. Try them out and/or meet a psychologist to work towards making weepy blues into happy pinks.

Stay clear of self-talk like:
I am the mother, I ‘should’ know how to take care of my bub
I am making it bigger than what it seems
I ‘must’ focus on the baby, I will be fine on my own
It will resolve and get better with time on its own
I didn’t experience this in my first pregnancy, something strange has happened!

Self-help strategies:

1 Sleep while the baby sleeps, take power naps, rest as much as you can
2 Take a shower and wear fresh vibrant clothes
3 Acknowledge the immense work your body has done and appreciate yourself for the journey you have crossed
4 Step out for a short stroll or sit outdoors for a few minutes
5 Stay hydrated
6 Follow pain management: whether it is your aching back, sore nipples or swollen feet. Don’t neglect taking care of yourself as per your doctor’s advice
7 Talk to a friend
8 Don’t stay caged in your room with the baby, move about in the house or keep your door open for family members to be able to check on you from time to time
9 Read a magazine or the newspaper, don’t lose track of the day and date.
10 Focus on getting to know your baby well, relish the small joys that he/she brings
11 Build a new normal with your partner, building in shared activities you can do
12 Communicate for support, make specific requests for help from near and dear ones
13 Maintain a healthy diet
14 Create time for yourself squeezing it in midst of feeding and cleaning
15 Use your maternity leave well, don’t cramp it with errands and completion of household projects

Dr. Ram Gopal Holla

Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Panchsheel Park

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