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Down’s syndrome
Centre of Excellence Thu, 08-Dec-2022

Managing the ‘Down’ in Down’s syndrome

Down's syndrome is a woefully misunderstood condition. With the right environment, children with the condition can learn, grow and thrive, and lead full and happy lives A prenatal Down's syndrome diagnosis is usually discussed in hushed whi

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Groin Problems
Centre of Excellence Thu, 08-Dec-2022

Groin Problems in Children

Groroin in problems in children are common. You may have often wonder what has to be done for this. As a parent best you can give to your child is to take them to a paediatric surgeon as soon as you come to know about this. Groin swelling which are commonly found in children a

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Polio and Vacccination
Centre of Excellence Thu, 08-Dec-2022

Discussion about Polio and Vacccination Against It

What is Polio? Poliomyelitis is a disease caused by polio virus that destroys nerves in the spinal cord, leading to muscle wasting & paralysis. Patients can have fever, tiredness, headache, vomiting, pain in the limbs, and 1 in 200 infections can cause paralysis that is p

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The Problem of Undescended Testes
Centre of Excellence Wed, 07-Dec-2022

The Problem of Undescended Testes

A frequent referral to a Pediatric Urology clinic is a boy with an absent testis either on one or both sides. The condition is simply called Undescended Testis. Why “Undescended”? The testes develop inside the abdomen. This process of development

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Foreign Body Aspiration
Centre of Excellence Wed, 07-Dec-2022

Foreign Body Aspiration

Case - 1 4 years girl presented with fever and cough since 5 days and sudden onset neck swelling since one day. Examination revealed tachypnea with surgical emphysema in the region of the neck, more on the left side and decreased air entry on the left side

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Coronavirus Myths
Centre of Excellence Wed, 07-Dec-2022

Coronavirus Myths and Misinformation, Busted

Sanitiser. Face masks. Magic potions. Curious concoctions. Alas, there's no dearth of make-believe weapons to combat the novel coronavirus. With many schools temporarily closed, travel plans on the back burner and hygiene products in short supply, COVID-19 continues its r

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Beating Baby Blues
Centre of Excellence Wed, 07-Dec-2022

Beating Baby Blues: Rising above Postpartum Depression

If you're experiencing postpartum depression, you're not alone. Learn about the condition and how you can beat it in this helpful guide Giving birth to a baby is supposed to be the most magical, life-changing experience. Only, it isn't for everyone. In the

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Patient Safety
Centre of Excellence Wed, 07-Dec-2022

Patient Safety in Children's Hospital

Pediatric safety and quality of care are dynamic and complex phenomena. Patient safety is the cornerstone of high-quality health care. Patient safety is the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care. The discipline of patient safety is the coor

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the Eternal Dilemma
Centre of Excellence Wed, 07-Dec-2022

Ear – to Clean or not to Clean – the Eternal Dilemma

Almost everyday in my clinical practice, someone will pop up this question – “Doctor, how to clean the ear?” for which the answer is quite simple, ear is self-cleansing and it doesn’t need regular clean-up . Cerumen which is called as wax is secret

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