BSC(Home Science),PHD(Nutrition)
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Dr. Malathi Voora, has pursued Ph.D. course in food science and nutrition from department of biochemistry, under the guidance of Dr. Kavita whagray, head and professor, college of food technology, university college of engineering, Osmania university, Hyderabad.
Presented posters on nutrition intervention and surgery outcomes
in pediatric cardiology cases, at national conference, Indian dietetic
association in 2007&2009.
Received certificate of appreciation for oral &
poster presentation on nutrition management of phenyl Ketonuria & herpes
simplex stomatitis, on Nov 28th to Dec 1st, 2012 in golden jubilee national conference, at national institute of
Organized international seminar on role of plant based diets in June, 28th 2015. Designed evidence
based protocols for nutrition management of bariatric surgery patients.
Received GCC international woman’s day award, for academic’s category,
honored by honorary consult of the republic of Maldives in Bangalore and
chairman, garden city group of institutions in march, 2013.
Developed and implemented nutrition assessment
protocol and care plan for pediatric cardiology patients, 0-5yrs and 5-10 Yrs
in the year 2005.
Presented posters on childhood obesity at Bengaluru
in 2004 and pediatric nutrition at national conference, Indian dietetic
association in 2009 at Chennai. Develop nutrition handouts for diet counseling for women during pregnancy and
Developed healthy snacks for women with gestational
Associated with clinical research team in clinical
trials related to diabetes at Department of endocrinology and 1 clinical trial on Creon effectiveness in pancreatitis at
department of gastroenterology and certified in clinical research.
Developed and implemented protein exchanges for low
protein diets and lysine and methionine restricted diets.
Research paper on functional food management was presented in international conference at
all India institute of medical sciences, New Delhi and it was published in Ichaiims journal in 2014.
Trained 20 interns from various organizations and
3.r.d interns.
Participated in nutrition communication project for
children between 5-14 yrs at Parikrama humanity foundation, Bangalore,
organized by Singapore international foundation.
Implemented innovative techniques in diet
counseling with body composition analysis and digital health care initiatives.
Developed low-cost nutritious recipes for pre-schoolers.
Certified in ketogenic diet therapy.
Certified diabetes educator (idf)
· Participated in pediatric international nutrition study conducted by Dr. Nilesh Mehta and team, department of pediatric critical care nutrition, Boston’s Children’s Hospital.
Areas of expertise include:
Paediatric nutrition specialities like type.1 diabetes management with
basic and advanced carbohydrate counting, critical care nutrition in pediatrics
and adults. Critical care, obesity and diabetes management in adults; Ketogenic
diets in children with refractory epilepsies, childhood and adolescent obesity,
failure to thrive and rare disorders in children. Experienced in GDM and type.2
Dr. V Malathi Practice at Rainbow Childrens Hospital Marathahalli,Bangalore.
For appointment please call 18002122
Dr. v Malathi Education Qualifications are BSC (Home Science), PHD(Nutrition)
Dr. V Malathi Specialized in Childrens Nutrition
Dr. V Malathi is having 14+ years of Experience.