Baby Growth Tracker

New born to 2-Month-Old baby

Exciting news! Your new-born is finally here after nine months of waiting. Now, as your baby adjusts to life outside the womb, you'll start seeing some changes in their behaviour. While the first few weeks mainly involve feeding, crying, sleeping, and diaper changes, by the end of the first month, your baby will show signs of progress.


Physical Development Milestones:

Can bring hands close to mouth and eyes.

Turns head from side to side while lying on the tummy.

Head tilts backward without support.

Clenches fists tightly.

Shows reflex movements like rooting.

Touch and Smell Milestones:

Recognizes the scent of mother's breast milk.

Prefers soft textures and gentle handling.

Likes sweet smells and dislikes acidic or bitter ones.

Hearing and Visual Milestones:

Turns head toward sounds.

Recognizes parents' voices.

Reacts to clapping hands.

Prefers black and white patterns.

Can focus up to 12 meters.

May have wandering eyes.

Signs of Concern:

Difficulty in sucking

Constant trembling of the lower jaw.

Unresponsiveness to sounds or lights.

Floppy limbs.

Trouble seeing close objects.

How You Can Help:

Play simple games like peekaboo.

Recognize when your baby needs rest.

Engage in talking, singing, and reading.

Pay attention to your baby's cues and reactions.

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